Monday, January 29, 2007

Mentawai Marine Tourism Association Founded

The inaugural meeting of the Mentawai Marine Tourism Association was held on Saturday the 27th of January in Padang. The five licensed companies were joined by 3 as yet unlicensed resort owners and all agreed to support the Mentawai Government's efforts to increase PAD revenues (regional tax) by regulating the surf industry.

The MMTA was endorsed by the Mentawai administration at the Simakakang Summit in December last year.

The five Full Members are:

- Macas Resort - PT Inter Nusa Bahagia
- Kandui Resort - PT Saraina Koat Mentawai
- Pitojat Island - PT Bangun Toro Koat
- Rags Resort - PT Bintang Samudera Mentawai
- E-Bay Resort - PT Mentawai Wisata Bahari

Associate Members are:

- Wavepark Losmen
- Aloita Resort
- Mentawai Adventure (Siolona Island)

The head of the Mentawai Department for Tourism & Culture, Drs Zulkarlin, attended the meeting and supported the MMTA's program aimed at boosting tax revenues for the island regency.

Under Mentawai's PERDA No 6 rules, the first step will be the registration of all charter vessels operating in the Mentawai area. Boat owners can register under any of the 5 licensed Marine Tour Operators. Each MTO license holder is permitted to operate a maximum of 6 vessels with a combined total of no more than 50 berths.

The MMTA has also been asked to advise the Deptment of Fisheries and Ocean Resources CORMAP program on the placement of mooring buoys at most surf breaks to stop anchor damage to coral reefs in the islands. The first 3 moorings have been installed in the Playground area near Sirius Reef.

Disputes between operators will now be resolved if possible with the assistance of the MMTA. In view of this, Mentawai Investigator has agreed to archive all content related to the dispute at Katiet while the companies involved negotiate a settlement.

PT MWB lawyers said that the Katiet Resort is currently unable to operate legally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick,

I have been closely following the MMTA progress from a distance and I am hearing conflicting information everywhere. So I can be clear on this would you be kind enough to please provide me with a copy of the official government document confirming the government appointment of the MMTA board and confirming the laws and bi laws regarding the licencing of Mentawai charter vessels. Once people see official documentation that would stand up in a court of law then they can get on with getting surfer stoked !

Hope to hear from you soon

Best Regards
Shaun Levings
Managing Director
World Surfaris Pty Ltd